Start Training with HBTI


We get a lot of calls from people who think we are a traditional vocational school with a 1-2 year long program.  Fortunately, we are not that and think that our program is a much better option than a traditional school for students who want to get into residential HVAC work.  Each of our classes can be taken individually on their own, or in conjunction with others to build your knowledge systematically.  Our classes are only 1-3.5 days long, and almost all of them qualify for CEU’s towards your trainee or journey level license. If you are starting out in the industry and have a little or no experience, we generally recommend that you take the following classes in this order:

  1. Understanding Electrical Circuits
  2. Understanding Gas & Electric Furnaces
  3. Precision Tune Ups
  4. EPA Prep & Test (You are required to have an EPA card to be an HVAC technician)

A bonus towards getting hired or possible raises are the NATE Prep and Test Courses.  NATE certifications are recognized across the nation, making them highly desirable by employers. If you would like a personalized recommendation of courses to take based on your specific circumstances, call our office to speak with Angie at 253-638-7797.